Legacy Society
Whether your parents baptized you as a tiny baby, your neighbor invited you to church, or a pastor knocked on your door, someone handed down a legacy of faith to you.
For over 150 years, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary has been blessed with a legacy of confessional theological training. With your help, we can continue to prepare gospel messengers, and pass along this legacy to others.
We invite you to join the Legacy Society of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Since its inception in October 2011, over 130 men and women have:
- remembered the seminary in their will or estate plan.
- arranged for a planned gift to the seminary from a life insurance policy.
- designated the seminary as beneficiary of retirement benefits (IRA, 401k, or Keogh).
- established a gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust, or other qualified agreement that later benefits the seminary.
Members receive up-to-date news about seminary events, an invitation to our annual Legacy Society gathering, and a special gift.
For more information, call us at (262) 242-8100, complete the form below, or view the Legacy Society brochure.